Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm a pescatarian, and public school lunch programs.

For the last 2 years I have thought about, and wanted to take this step. I didn't when I was pg with Scarlett (even though i desperately wanted too) because i seriously didn't have time to put in the research I needed to know WHAT to cook for my family in the event we did this.

Well this week it has happened, finally. We are still clearing out the freezer with the last bits of chicken and beef that I refuse to let go to waste, however I myself have been on a pesc. diet only for about 3 weeks now and I.LOVE.IT.

When i told the kids we would be switching, Dylan automatically asked "well what about big macs?" (LOL!!) I reminded him that whenever the sitch presented itself if he wanted to eat meat he could, otherwise here at home for the most part we would be eating veggies (which we already do a ton of) and fish/shell fish of course.

I know there will be the occasional summer grill out with hot dogs here at home, and thats fine, its more of a moderate overhaul versus an absolute with me. For me there won't be compromise with one exception...I don't think i could give up hot wings. I don't eat them but a few times a year, but seriously....there is no comparison veggie, fish or otherwise so for that I reserve the right to be a flexitarian for a day rofl!

Also, here is a great site I found while scouring for recipes....I COULD NOT agree more. I am so sick to death of the school lunch program. my kids pack about 80% of the time, but on te days they do not I worry about what the lunch is (weeks like the last few weeks they have bought more than they packed.) NACHOS are not real food Sedexho! (thats the name of the food company our school system uses) and neither are french toast sticks, seriously!!! Anyways, I've wanted to do this for years now, petition the school systems to make the lunch room healthy. I don't mind the occassioal pizza day, even once a week, but the majority of what they feed our children are junk foods, laden with sugar and artificial ingredients. No wonder children misbehave and are hyper, their brains are STARVING.


This also applies of course to neighborhood/communities, friends and families. As much as my friends/family are tired of hearing me say it, I refuse to be quiet about it any longer. Your food can make or break you. Your food can KILL you if you are eating food that isn't truly food. They are CHEMICALS. As I have said before and will continue to say ;) a bag of organic apples costs $3.99 for 12 servings...that's the same price that a box of fruit snacks cost. (sometimes cheaper when apples are in season and on sale).

Ok, stepping off my soap box. I just emailed emealz and asked if they would include some pesc. recipes with their current veggie plan, i am hoping my interest will spark them to come up with one, I loooove my emealz! Such a life saver for this incredibly overly busy mama <3


p.s. they just switched it for me, wow that was quick!! if anyone has any good fish recipes, please share :)

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