First spark, a hint of change, of direction, something unexpected and strange.
It comes unaware, but welcomed among weightless souls that wait upon your wings.
You whisper.
Ears that long to hear what is to come take heed and usher in the small gift, invitation to join you as you work and where you lead.
Here i am, yours in life, in death, you hold every breath and i'd have it no other way.
Journey of a thousand steps, crocked ways, thorns begin and threaten to push where we do not know. Longing begins, that long aching horrible emptiness full of nothingness, doubt, fear, frustration and silence.
Was it real? Was the message really ever alive? In my minds eye, I see it, yet my faulty realm denies that which i've been reminded time and again. I fail. You become a restless memory, an ache for what used to be and what I thought should be. I'm lost. You hold the map to my heart as i wander, searching, hoping, doubting, thinking...praying, hanging on. Darkness becomes a friend to console and soothe my humaness and I let it in.
Then, quickly a rush of breath, you return and breathe life into that which I feared dead and gone forever. It grows quickly, a beat, love unshakable. Oh regret of folly, my Thomas moment now forever in your book. I fall, you breaks and the dark veil is torn once again. My heart remembers and embraces this moment, this chance to once again feel you and the prescence of it all. I long to stay here. I bask in this light like a child in the sand, taking nothing for granted as this time around wisdom prevents me from doing so. I know these moments are rare, cherished, and so I do. My heart is filled with thanksgiving, abundance even despite the hardship that befalls this path. Let grace lead as those who beg it are shown the magnitude of your glory. My heart is in awe, forever in love with the one true love.