Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter , what a beautiful day!

It is seriously beautiful outside today and has been for the last 2 weeks.
Today is Easter Sunday 2010, and I'm feeling the need to reflect on some of the wonderful things God has reminded me of in life today..

I've spent a lot of time over the last few months fighting the urge to complain, matter of fact that was my *give up* for lent this year,...complaining. I felt convicted for one that despite the difficulties in my life (which at times can be many) really pale in comparison to many others in this world.

I know that I am blessed. Is my life perfect? Absolutely not, but perfection isn't what life is about. Everyone has issues. Everyone has problems, even the richest person, the prettiest girl, the most successful business woman, or the seemingly perfect mother who looks as though she "has it all together". I think the key to success in this life is knowing that and living knowing that each day there WILL be struggles. Bad things happen to all people, no matter how nice, or good you are.

I learned long ago that suffering brings about things in us that we might never otherwise have been able to accomplish in this lifetime had we not undergone that certain tough situation. I'm not saying suffering is good, or easy...just necessary in this life because of the fallen nature in which we live. Suffering is the catalyst to greater things both in us and through us. Remember Scarlett O'hara who stood on the hill after feeling hunger pangs and declared she would never go hungry again? That scene alone (in one of my fav movies) moved me because of the truth it speaks to human nature and how we are wired to overcome where there are serious odds, persecution and pain.

Not long ago , I spent a lot of time wallowing in pity over many of the past events of my life that led me down a certain path. Most of those things were done when I was a child/teen...which meant they were not paths I choose as a capable adult. Never the less, other events in this world sent my life down those paths which were less than good in so many ways. I spent years of my life wondering why. Why would people allow such things to happen? Why would God allow me to suffer such a fate, when I felt that my inner self really only wanted to know and love the God of my creation. It was in those questions, that God answered me. God does what he does for a purpose, His purpose to be exact. And he also does what he does for our own benefit, whether we see that or not. It's hard to view any situation as such, especially when the suffering involves something personal and deep or hurtful...I know this, I am not a fool to human emotion, as something that is beneficial.

I for one, have been through some rough times in my life. Maybe worse than others, maybe not. We all have had struggles which have made us who we are. Ah...who we are! That's what I am getting at. The things that we have been through mold us and make us who we are in this life. Everyone has different struggles, and a different story, thus everyone responds differently to times of difficulty or pain.

What matters is not the struggle, or even how we handle it while we go through it, what matters most is what we learn from it and how we take that knowledge and bless others with it.

One of my favorite things in life is old people. I say that endearingly because I really truly do love them. The ting i love most is their link to the past, the memories they have that I can learn from them, the lessons they have seen while living here on this earth, and how each person who has lived long is like a spring just waiting to be tapped. One of my favorite old people in this world passed away almost 8 years great grandmother. She was incredibly sweet, yet feisty lol, and we would spend hours talking about her old cooking recipes (from scratch of course). She would often send me on my way with a few spices from her cooking cabinet, genuine tangible bits of the care she would take for her family through food. It was in those moments that I realized all of this...that the older generations have serious worth (more than most of us give them credit for). In a world that is quickly losing its morality one day at a time, the older generations have something to give that is priceless, and soul worthy. Wisdom of lessons learned, and the heritage of them to be passed down from generation to generation never to be forgotten.

This way of living is as old as time, we need only look to history books, including one of the oldest (the bible) too see similar examples.

I know that our older generations suffered more at times than we ever will. I know my great gran lived life before there were dishwashers! That sounds like major hardship to me (HA!! jk! :) ). At times I have to wonder if that isn't what our generation and the ones under us IS lacking. Do we have it too easy? At times I think that we do...or maybe we have in the past. I know with the recent economy downfall, there are more and more people learning to live life simply, and take less for granted. I feel like more people are looking for ways to bring meaning back to their lives, versus spending it focusing on bigger and better. I think it is times like these, where we realize that life is precious and to short that we are able to take the focus off "things" and put them where they belong...on our families, our children, and on God.

I know at times I struggle greatly with this myself. Its no secret my husband does very well for himself and us with the job he has, but depending on how well you know me, you might not know that there was a time not too long ago when this simply was not the case. Dean and I spent nearly 9 years of our lives in near poverty. it was the toughest time of our life. It was difficult to keep trusting and believing that God had a bigger plan than we could see. It was hard to keep trusting after several well paying jobs came and subsequently left, only to not be had by our family. After years of struggle, it was hard not to lose hope. Through it all, not only did we pray for God to bring us a good job for Dean, but we also felt called during that time to leave our fertility up to God. It was in this trusting that we learned to fully trust...not just say we did. Now...I definitely have not arrived when it comes to trusting God LOL. I still have times of doubt when things get difficult. Lately with the housing situation, there have been times where I literally wanted to give up and accept that it was never going to happen...especially when i am faced with another day in this tiny house with all my kids. But one thing I know is that God never forsakes us, and he definitely never leaves us. He wants whats best for us (Jeremiah 29:11), even though we cannot see the reason behind the pain we are going through.

And ultimately while suffering happens and stinks (seriously!) my mind is is the culmination of what Jesus did for us. Does that mean we have to suffer to become like him? Well, yes and no. We do not need suffering to save us, Christ already did that, that's done. But it does give us an idea of what Christ willingly went through for us, even though he could have prevented it from happening to him. I don't know about anyone else, but if I could stop myself from being hurt or messed with in a situation, I'd have a hard time NOT doing exactly that LOL! But today I am thankful that I do not hold that power. I have renewed love today for God, not in his abiality to make me suffer, but in the saving grace that Jesus brought to me 2000+ years ago on that cross. My whole life and everything in it is because of that one single moment in time and I am today eternally grateful beyond measure. I would not have my best friend...My God, my Lord my savior if not for the ministry, life and wretched death Jesus took upon himself that fateful day.

Happy Easter friends! May the love that God has bestowed upon us all fill each of our hearts today and remind us to trust God in all things great and small.

1 comment:

Kathlene said...

Amen. You are such a blessing!