Sunday, April 11, 2010

House update later this evening...

I know I probably should have updated several days ago, however due to unforeseen circumstances surrounding the house and the current market here in MI, I've held back. There is still a chance that this house might not be ours at the end of this long drawn out game.

Today is the first of 2 hurdles...this one being the inspection, i'm assuming it will pass no problems what with it being completely remodeled not 8 yrs ago top to bottom, but you also never know. The second is the reason I've held back but I'll go into detail more later including hopefully some pics to share, camera battery is charged and ready ;)

1 comment:

Kathlene said...

Keeping fingers crossed that everything will work out fine. You have so many wonderful blessings, but I understand how much easier this will make life for ya!