Monday, November 8, 2010

The final count down.

Its been a long time since I posted, and it looks like the last few things I did post ab out were either fluff (songs) or a bit of whining about my housing sitch lol.

Never the less here I am, i figured this was easier than some stupid snippet I might put on facebook, and honestly I have a few minutes while kids are having snacks and babies are still napping.

In order to get this out of the way, the update on the housing situation is this, and purely this...unless one of the following happens: economy rebounds, we win the lottery, we get some huge unexpected windfall, it looks as though we are being forced to take drastic measures with our housing situation. I'm not exactly going to spell out on here what that means, but if you can't figure it out think worst case scenario. What it has boiled down too is...we need a bigger house, more importantly we need 5 BR's and a minimum of 2 bathrooms (2.5 plus being ideal). No matter what we do we can't have that in this house. We have tried everything outside of 2 options that are left, one of them is rent out this house while we rent another house, thanks. While I'd love to live in a dream world where that might actually work time wise (which is the case, i'd never have time to maintain a rental, i barely have time to maintain the current house i own), I don't know how smart it is to risk renting out an already insideout investment. The long story short is, we stay here and live with it for 2 years then move on, or, we do it sooner than that. The long story short, it SUCKS. I am praying for a smooth transition, as it won't be easy to find a place to fit a family this size but I'm hopeful, more hopeful than the prospect of staying here.

In other news (now that that is out of the way lol), we have 10 days left until the shut down is over. I cannot tell you how happy i am that we have TEN DAYS left lol (projected end anyways lol). It has been a very long month living without Dean but we are looking forward to it being over.

We have lots to look forward too in the next few months. For starters things are really taking off for our Advocare business. Have I mentioned this yet? A few months back Dean came to me with this company he thought sounded cool, and I pretty much chalked it up to hype and something i would never pursue because direct sales isn't really all that much fun (and I know because i've BTDT a lot, too many times to count.) Well, one energy drink later, I was hooked!!

Advocare is a nutritional company that has been around for over 17 yrs now, based out of Dallas TX. Their line of energy drinks is only the tip of the ice berg in terms of product. Their focus is weightloss, muscle building, sports nutrition and overall being healthy. They operate under a panel of 8 doctors and have a reputation as a winning company. They teach a debt buster system, give incentives and more. Anyways...our journey began back in August and in that short amount of time we have not only lost inches off our bodies, but we are also bringing in income to boot. The crazy part is, I hardly feel like I've done anything other than share how this stuff has (is!) changing our life.

We started with the 24 day challenge,...I lost over 7 inches during that time, and since then have lost approx. another 6 for a grand total of 13 inches. This equates to 2.5 pants sizes. When we started I was a size 12/14 depending on the brand, and as of today I am currently a size 8/10 and well on my way to being a full blown size 8. My friends call me the incredible shrinking woman lol, its that dramatic. It does require that you eat a good diet, however you get to EAT versus dieting where you starve yourself into failure. It's amazing stuff!! So if you hear me talking about it, thats why. I never thought I'd be this small, ever...and I'm not quite to my goal yet (size 6!). I'll be there hopefully by Feb when we go to Success school in TX. It's CRAZY ...I can't believe my job is to lose body fat and get paid for it?!!! I'm in heaven <3

This of course has changed a lot in terms of life in our home as well, it is an addition of something else on our plate, but its an investment in time that will pay for itself. I'll try and post some pics soon of the changes we have both been through, Dean has lost tons of body fat as well (and we never really thought he had a whole lot, well I can tell you he did have some as its now GONE lol and the muscles are getting bigger :) )

The kids are doing good, looking forward to fall/winter activities. We are headed back to Hocking Hills for Christmas. We decided since there is no room in this house to put anything new, we might as well go make a memory for Christmas versus buy more *stuff*. We have a cabin rented for 2 whole days on xmas eve and day, can't wait...hope it SNOWS!! :D

I'm going to try and post more often, life has been far too hectic lately between Dean being gone, the renovations that we were doing, plus trying to live normal life. I really want to start beinbg able to post pictures on a regular basis,...I'd love to be able too my time schedule is just ridiculous. I'm lucky to get 10 minutes a day to myself and thats not a joke. my workouts/runs are usually done at 5am or 9pm, not exactly good times to have energy for me. It's been a very rough last 6-8 weeks but I'm thankful we are on the brink of being finished, as I know Dino is. All this and we have the 2012 to still look forward too LOL.

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