Monday, August 16, 2010

*S* gang house hunters season 2 episode one, and...action!

Here.....we go......again.


No really I'm not down in the dumps, or upset, or even stressing about whats to come because honestly when its right it will happen I know that.

So we have 5 good prospects on homes, of which we will begin looking at again come wednesday of this week.

The first 2 up are North of here, so closer to family which is good. The trade off is higher taxes and less I care? not sure on that yet.

We still have touch ups needed here at this house as well, such as half the kitchen floor, but we are going to put forth extra effort to whip it out.

In the meantime, I'm thankful school begins soon as it will give me extra time in the afternoons to get some of those projects completed.

First up this week is carpet cleaning. Oh for the love of God children + carpet = disaster. They have needed it for awhile but I've put it off thinking we were moving, then we didn' we might. Forgetaboutit. I'm having them done, then if they are awful when we move, redone.

I'm excited, I have to say! I'm looking forward not only to more space and a fresh new start but also the fall weather in which to do it (or winter as it might take that long...who would have thought we could house hunt for a YEAR? Thats nuts!). It will be a year since this madness began come Dec, thats so hard to believe. It feels different this time, pressure is off. Granted we still have the one bathroom and that is seriously, not fun? lol Let's just say my new laundry room has made life livable, and laundry no longer a chore. Reminds, I know lol. In my defense I did just get my computer back so I have not even thought about my camera, and right now I have about 12 loads to put AWAY lol, so maybe I'll snag that camera once I get that done tomorrow?? :)

thats all for now as I have a princess sitting to my left who is having a serious meltdown because I won't take her to eat chinese tonight. Oh the drama lol. I would but I'm on the 24 day challenge right now so my diet is super strict. But that's another post for another time ;)

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