Wednesday, January 6, 2010

*coming out from her dark place*

this entry needs no title, just an explanation.

I was once again reminded this week of my imperfectness as a parent *sigh*.

One of the greatest challenges in my life is my child that has Asperger's. I would go into details, but I honestly cannot relive another moment of the last 3 days other than to say I am alive, and so is he (HA...) and we are working once more towards figuring out how to parent him.

I tend to be a pretty optimistic person, but this morning I was definitely fighting the urge to toss in the towel and say I quit. Thank God for my supportive husband, not only is he a loving Daddy, but a huge backbone for me in times like this. I really should post on Dyl's blog more, I plan too, time has just been so limited in the last few weeks with Christmas, and now to add even more onto my already crazy sched...we are hunting for house #2. I've had enough, i can't take the (nice sized)small house (with 8 kids) any longer. STOP THE MADNESS LOL!!!

Anyways, i'll be back later this week or by the weekend, I need a good profile pic for 1 and for 2, I need to blab when I am in my happy place again, ...I'm close, I can see the light, but I think a good nights rest will help seal the deal ;)

And as always, God has been so good and faithful to me through every step of this week. He has laid some things on my heart, I'm really trying hard to listen right now because I think he is calling me to do something I've been praying about a really really (REALLY) long time. i might touch on it later, but for now I have a phone call to make and a shower to take (why do I always sweaty blog? :P LOL!!)


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